
Friday, January 14, 2011

Femme Fatale

Hi darlings!!!

Merci beaucoup for all your positive and helpful feedback, y'all rock!!!

As some of you may know, today is a very special day for me, so you'll excuse me for keeping it short and sweet :)) Makeup look of the day: Femme Fatale or Maria the Maneater... hehe

Enjoy & bisous,

Maryam Maquillage

ABOUT THIS LOOK: Wear this for any special occasion like a birthday, a night out, a party, or a date. With this look, you'll keep heads turning all night long ladies. They love it mean and mysterious lol ;)

Tip/Warning: Dark lids look best on monolids (asian eyes--like mine :) or light non-asian eyes. Sorry for the poor description but its the best way I could put it... Stay away from this look if you have large lids or deeply set eyes aka sunken eyes--dark shadows will only make your eyes look more sunken, which can add up to 10 years of age. Trust me on this one ;)

TO ACHIEVE THIS LOOK: Start by priming your lids with Urban Decay primer potion or any primer of your choice. Wait at least 30 seconds for the product to settle and apply a second, more sticky base for the shadow to stick. My favorite black base is NYX jumbo eye pencil in black bean, a creamy and highly pigmented jumbo eye pencil. Apply the color all over your lid, staying under the crease, and avoiding the inner third of the eye lid. Blend the product with your finger to make sure it's smooth and even. 

Next, take a flat shader brush and apply an iridescent pinky color right on your brow bone (under the brow) and in the inner corner of the eye. I used the color Virgin from the Urban Decay Naked palette, which is my favorite makeup palette of all time by faaaaaar and hands dooooown lol. I'll do a separate entry on this palette because it is just sooo fabulous. 

Take a fluffy dome-shaped brush, and apply the color Buck (a matte color that is 2 to 3 shades darker than your skin tone) to the soft part of your eye lid using a windshield wiper motion (follow the groove of the eye socket). Next, take the same brush and apply a shimmery dark silver/pewter color (Gunmetal from the Urban Decay palette) directly beneath the skin tone color. Take the flat shader brush used before and apply a black shimmery shadow onto the lid (Creep from the palette), staying under the crease and blending with the pewter color very gently. Remember to apply this color with a patting motion so that it sticks on to the base and doesn't fall under the eye. Take a black eyeliner pencil and line the entire waterline (top and bottom), as well as under and above the lash line. The palette comes with a double-sided pencil in black (zero) and brown (whiskey) and happens to be my all-time favorite pencil eyeliner. Seal the liner below the lash line with the black shadow and finish with 2 coats of black mascara. The eye should look something like this:

Finish your face with your typical routine, mine being Bare Minerals matte foundation in Golden Medium and Lancome maquicomplet concealer in medium bisque, just under the eye and around the nose. With a heavy eye look, keep the lips super simple--either lightly lined or nude. I used NYX lipliner in natural as always, and put chapstick under and over the lipliner for extra moisture. 



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