
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Primrose & Proper

Salut mes amis,

Happy Wednesday and may all your tasks be completed smoothly and swiftly. I say that because I have a week full of responsibilities lined up for myself, so I want to take today by storm. Sometimes, writing it out or saying it out loud helps me with my procrastination :)) Anyway, my post of the day is featuring my second installment of using non-Urban Decay cosmetics and is dedicated to the one and only Clinique. This brand is very near and dear to my heart as it was one of the very first makeup brands I ever experimented with. My mom used to get those free gifts and pass them over to me and thinking about that makes me smile from ear to ear :D
Read more for reviews, descriptions, pix and lipstick tips :)

My favorite type of makeup for every day is simple, clean, happy and fresh. I love pairing muted pinks with soft browns and nudes as well as giving the overall look a shimmery youthful glow and a barely there lippie. This type of makeup can be achieved easily using any of Clinique's eyeshadow quads. The shadows are expertly designed to be very wearable and universally flattering.
I've had this quad for quite some time, so I'm assuming this eyeshadow combo has since been discontinued, however, if you like any of these colors, they're all available individually. Here are the swatches and the names of the shadows (in the same order as they appear in the quad). My favorite eyeshadow out of the four is lucky penny because it's very pigmented and has a super shimmer finish. In the look I'm wearing, I used lucky penny on my lid, brown shade in the outer "v" and disco pink in the crease. Sugar sugar is the least pigmented and works better as a highlighter on the cheekbones rather than an eyeshadow, and I used it precisely as such :) Now, on to my lip color and some very important lip tips! 

Revlon super lustrous lipstick in Primrose is a stunning lip color, though I don't see it as universally flattering. Primrose is a creme finish pale mauve lipstick and would look best on light skin with olive or yellow undertones. I topped the lipstick with clear gloss in order to make it work for me, otherwise it was way too pale for a bright sunny day and made me look like I had no mouth at all. As you can see in the swatch above, the color is lighter than my skin, which can be a bit tricky to wear. Be careful when choosing pale lip shades, they can work both ways--some can make you look fresh and youthful while others can make you appear sickly and malnourished. 
Keep in mind the lighting: the same lipstick will look look darker, lighter, pinker and/or more/less flattering depending on the time of day and weather conditions i. e. overcast, rain, sun, etc. Here's an example of Primrose on a gloomy, rainy day and personally, I find it more flattering.
here it is again topped with clear gloss on a very hot and bright day
Let me know how you make tricky lipsticks work for you, sharing is caring :))


Maryam Maquillage


Maryam Maquillage © 2012.


  1. I love the overall pink color on you. I wish I could do that but I'm not a pink girl , I think I would look weird in pink :-/ looks great on you though ESP the lips

  2. i love that lipcolor on you. And for some reason, I really love the name of the lipstick Primrose! I think its because it reminds me of one of my favorite books. Anyway, lovely look as usual!

  3. That Revlon lipstick is gorgeous! I think it looks great on you no matter if the weather is gloomy or bright out. :-)

  4. I LOVE that palette!!! You look so pretty in this look!

    XOXO, CC

  5. another gorgeous look. pink are definitely everyday wearable. so girly :D

  6. very pretty, and i love your earrings!

  7. How pretty. I can't possibly ever learn to do my make up this well, womp womp.


    Fashion Nostalgia

  8. Good lord lady, is there any color you can't wear? I don't have many lippy tricks other than using different shades on the outer corners than in the middle but that's not exactly reinventing the wheel.

    Good luck with all your tasks, I'm swamped with stuff too at the moment. Makeup life. School life. Love life. All going full steam ahead and all going in different directions. It's a miracle I can even sleep at night.

  9. Gorgeous. I love the swatches too. They look amazing.

  10. stunning look, I love soft and simple feminine looks like this, so ideal for everyday, I NEED that Revlon primrose asap its amazing xx

  11. You look stunning. I love the makeup. I don't think I own any makeup from Clinique. I guess I always think of them as more of a skincare line.
    I have a hard time wearing bubblegum pinks or really brown nudes...they just don't go with my skintone. If I do wear them, I usually add a nice flattering lipgloss on top.

  12. I use Clinique too and find it very very good, even if a little expensive! you always make great make up posts =)

  13. Hey Hun, You look absolutely stunning in pink! I love how you mix and blend in the light pink and the deep pink at the same time to add depth. Totally loving this. oh ho... i'm definitely going to try this look. I need to post a picture of my previous eye makeup from your Naked Palette tutorial!! I'm definitely going to post some inspired look from you :) beautiful. x

  14. You look beautiful! Jesus girl your cheek bones can cut me from here.

    I always love your make up posts. I am quite a beginner so reading your posts always helps me when picking colors & what works. Love this simple & clean look - perfect for the office.


    Cinderella's Closet NYC

  15. Love this look. The lipstick is gorgeous on you! I actually have the same one, and I'm going to try it with lipgloss because the result is stunning! Thanks for sharing love.

  16. very pretty lucky penny in that set.

    Vonnie of

  17. Your makeup looks absolutely flawless.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  18. Very nice look! I'm also a fan of pink and taupes/browns on the lid!

  19. you look amazing-- i love that palette!

  20. You look so lovely! You seriously can rock any lip color and still look ah-mazing. ;)
    Lucky Penny looks so pretty! You may just be encouraging me to branch out into Clinique. :P
    My mom also gets some bonus stuff and sometimes passes a lipstick or moisturizer down to me, moms are the best! <3

  21. i love the makeup!

    xoxo from rome

  22. Gorgeous! You look beautiful. I've been a long-time fan of Clinique especially their skincare.

  23. hey girl the look came out great! love pinks and your freckles !

  24. Gorgeous look! That lipstick is so me!! I swear you I have a whole list of lipsticks I want that I have seen here on your blog! Keep up the good work :D

  25. Gorgeous neutral, pretty makeup!!<3 Love it:)

  26. I absolutely love what you've done with that quad! Too bad it's not available anymore.


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